


Rossi租借到Parma了,有人笑了;Solskjaer伤了,有人笑了;Saha受伤了,有人笑了;Larrson回国了,有人笑了;弗爷迫于无奈把董中入一线队,我作为曼联球迷哭了,但作为中国人其实我也笑了,但我是真心的笑,但还是有人幸灾乐祸地笑了… 他们心里想的是:看看,曼联前锋终于伤的伤,走的走了,该背时哇,我们的董方卓有机会了。终于如他们所愿了!


推荐看足球英超曼联新闻到SkySports 足球频道去看。

曼联99 VS 曼联07.

Red Cafe上一个很有意思的话题. 曼联99阵容和曼联07阵容的比较. my opinion:

Schmeichel > VDS
Van Der Gouw < Kuszczak GK: 99>07

Neville G = Neville G (加里仔很稳定)
Irwin > Evra (差不多的身材, Irwin总是让人觉得强悍些)
Stam = Ferdinand (虽然Rio常来神经刀, 但其重要性在那)
Neville P < O’Shea (同样是DR/L DM都能踢的万金油, 但O'Shea稍强) Johnsen = Vidic (一切都这么相似) Berg > Silvestre (对Berg没特别的印象, 从Cafe上的网友评论看, 比Silv好吧)
Brown < Brown (当年的小布郎虽然还是小布郎, 应该更强了) May < Heinze (我爱海哥) Defence: 99=07 (整条后防07和99不相上下!) Beckham = Ronaldo (不看这赛季, 我要划>号, 但现在得划个=号)
Keane > Carrick (Carrick刚起步)
Scholes > Scholes (体力没了, 经验涨了)
Butt > Fletcher (当初不卖走Butt, 可能现在就不会如此需要Harg了)
Giggs > Giggs (速度没了, 经验涨了)
Blomqvist < Park (相似的地位和作用, Park勤能补"拙") Greening < Richardson (卖走Richardson的呼吁很高, 但至少人家也是个准国脚) Midfield: 99>07 (豪无疑问)

Yorke = Rooney (现在的Rooney, 当时的Yorke, 很难比啊, =好了)
Cole > Saha (Saha始终没有那种超级射手的气质)
Solskjaer = Solskjaer (年龄长了, 射门的技术和长相都没变)
Sheringham > Larsson (应该吧!)
Cruyff < Smith (小Cruyff很少打上比赛的当时) Forward: 99>07 至少 Yorke + Cole > Rooney + Saha
Rossi刚被租借回Parma. 希望能踢上球!

Manager: Alex Ferguson < SIR Alex Ferguson Assist Manager: McClaren > Queiroz

What’s YOUR opinion?

对了, 还有一些话, 顺便一起说了, 免得我再发新日志, Arsenal的球迷还没开踢, 就开始找起借口来了, 说什么这场比赛的裁判莱利是”曼联御用”裁判… 我靠, 有好戏了, 这周末要是曼联羸了, 这帮废铁们就吼” 丫的曼X靠裁判!”, 要是曼联输了, 他们又吠” 哈哈, 曼X, 有裁判帮忙都输给我们了! 哇哈哈”, 要是战平, 他们又会叫”靠, 要不是裁判帮你们, 我们肯定赢了…”
枪手的球迷同志们, 怎么这么没自信啊! 哎… 你们首回合不是很Lucky羸了我们吗? 还是客场哟, 现在是主场都这么不自信? 哎… 15分的差距不是很大的呀, 你们那酷酷的国王昂立不是复出了么?

曼联! 走牛B的路, 让傻B去说吧!

TMD, 一邦曼联自家的球迷伤透了我的心.

本来我就不喜欢上国内的曼联坛子, 因为这周末有场大战, 我才在睡觉前去溜达溜达,回了几个贴, 可能是帖子里的话被人误解为我对Arsenal有点好感了, 或是看出我不太喜欢董方卓了, 就TMD对我无端指责! 啊, 说我是什么假曼联球迷啦, 曼联有我这样的球迷是耻辱啦! 我C! 我看曼联比赛的时候你TMD晓得足球是啥子没哦! 靠, 我早就明白中国的曼联球迷小P孩多, 其实我自己也算一个, 我竟然还去搅和!
真TMD不爽, 要说我现在和破车球迷, 废铁球迷, 马桶球迷干一架也说的通嘛, TMD曼联自家的球迷都不懂得尊重. 还是上国外的那个Red Cafe好点, 气氛热烈, FUCK, SHIT随便说, 多去混混, 感受感受英国本土的曼联球迷, 多了解了解曼联文化, 学英语的同时还能学几句标准的英国国骂! 何乐不为呢! 而且个人认为这个论坛比官网的Talking Reds好.

(i’ve got a) big Dong, question…..
never seen him play. is he any good? will he be a first team regular?

saw him play some pre season games, i think it was in the asia tour i saw him play and he looked a very good player.great touch for a player so big and didnt get shrugged off the ball easily, looked an intelligent player and scored a great goal to cap a fine performance from what i can remember!(评价不错嘛)

21. Dong Fangzhuo(终于没拼成Zhou了, 官网刚出来的消息也是Fangzhou, 后来再刷新就改了-_-)

21st Century Dong(有创意)

great player, free kick specialist!(我K, 太抬举了吧)

Why is Park’s shirt “J.S. Park” but Dong’s is just “Dong”?(难道要印个F.ZH.DONG? , 貌似别一个高丽佬薛琦铉也只印了个”SEOL”)

Doubt he’ll make it.(我也Doubt)

Ding(顶? 中国人?)

21. Diego Dong Hope he fairs better than Forlan did in that shirt(第二个Diego Forlan?)

He’s a big bugger.(K, 反华分子?)

With Dong signing on to the squad do you think the historical differences between S. Korea and China could have an effect on Park and Dong’s relationship? As professionals, I would hope not.(东亚历史研究者?)

Dong Fanzhuo
Number one super guy
Dong Fanzhuo
Quicker than the human eye(我K, 数来宝啊)

Ding Dong, Fanzhuo is in town
Can you hear the bells?
Ding Dong, Fanzhuo is in town
He wears number 21
Got the magic Forlan power
everything but the hair
Ding Dong Fanzhuo is in town(我K, 越来越有才华了, 原来上面的Ding不顶, 而是Ding Dong, 叮咚)

Ding Dong, Ding Dong, we are not worthy
Ding Dong Ding Dong, sells another jersey
As Kenyon fingers himself in fury(还是这首诗有内含)

Ding Dong Merrily on high
In old Trafford goals he’s scoring
Ding Dong jumps towards the sky
And hails the scouse are boring(-__)

Dong Fanzhuo is a red
Is a red, is a red
Dong Fanzhuo is a red
He hates free market capitalism(………..)

话又说回来, 我自己也是小P孩, 也小气了点, 这么容易就被人气到了, 网络社会本来就是这个样子, 我又不是第一二天上网了, 我早已经过了泡论坛的时期了, 每天自已在网上找点事做, 听听音乐, 学学英语, 对曼联有什么感想, 对生活有什么感想就在Blog上写写, 算是自娱自乐吧…
前面写过”我不喜欢董方卓的八大理由!”, 其实也不是我不喜欢他, 而是我太在乎曼联了, 我不想曼联被中国这帮媒体, 某些小人搞乱, 现在我再想想, 管别人那么多做什么, 自己喜欢不就得了… 让那些人发他们的疯去吧.
突然觉得这样专注曼联, 太累了… 有点像爱一个人的感觉了! 似乎以前都不是这样…
SIGH! 凌晨3点了, 我在这说什么呢!


嗯, 是"不喜欢"而不是"讨厌", 用否定句式语气应该要弱点.
1, RP不够好. 国青克劳琛事件, 大家不要说我老咬住这件事不放, 其实听听比利时球迷对他的评价中也有他RP不好的部分, 不信看看这里.
2, 长的不够帅. 我承认牵强
3, 他是大连人, 是大连足球人, 我对大连人没偏见, 但全兴事件让我蒙上阴影, 大连人不要K我哈.
4, 他在曼联队, 会引来很多很多"只关注董方卓型伪曼联球迷".
    4.1, 这帮伪曼联球迷, 只看有董上场的比赛, 没董不看.
    4.2, 这帮伪曼联球迷, 为了让董有上场的可能, 巴不得曼联锋线状态差, 今天Saha受伤, 明天Rooney受伤, 这样小董就有机会.
    4.3, 这帮伪曼联球迷, 有董就是曼迷, 董走就是曼黑.
5, 有董在曼联, 以后国内报道曼联的新闻就是成了董方卓新闻.
6, 以后弗格森随便一句话稍微提及到董, 国内媒体就会大肆渲染超级夸张地报道: 弗格森说: 董方卓XXXXXX.
7, 以后英超转播, 解说员就会围绕着董方卓说个不停, "快, 传啊, 传给董" "哎呀, 这么好的机会不传, C.罗太独了吧!" (这个觉得近期是不大可能了, Rooney, Larrson, Saha, Solskjaer, Smith, Rossi排着长队呢, 鸡肋联赛杯曼联又被淘汰了, 董的机会不多)
8, 面对中国足球, 我心理变态.

炮轰我吧! 我不喜欢董方卓!


小董已经获得劳工证, 明年1月就要回曼联, 国内各大曼联坛子讨论都很火爆, 同样, 在国外的RedCafe论坛, 曼联官方论坛Talking Reds , 讨论同样火爆, 在Talking Reds回复达到了100多条. 我简单看了下, 对小董的评价有三种意识: 1, 高潜力球员, 能在曼联成功; 2, 只是个商业工具; 3, 无所谓并反感董(他们都知道当年董在国青对克劳琛的那句”Fxxk Off”). 我选了一些他们的回复, 作了简单翻译.

john rawsthorn
i have only seen him play once at top level (germany v.china) and he was very impressive-he holds the ball up well and is good in the air
顶级比赛, 我只看过他在中国对德国的比赛, 我印象很深刻, 他控球不错又有空中优势.
i have seen him a lot for antwerp and there is no doubt he has a lot of talent but seems to get a bit stroppy if things go badly
但我看过他很多在Antwerp的比赛, 无疑他有巨大天赋但遇到不顺的时候有些暴躁.
if saf can knock the bad attitude out of him he is going to surprise people
in style he is probably most like louis saha with a bit of ruud thrown in
如果弗爷能治治他的脾气, 那么他将会给我们一惊喜, 在风格上他最像Saha, 还有点像Van Ni.

I’ve seen him only one time in the last summer tour in South Africa, he scored a very nice goal and i recall that saf said at that time that he intends to bring him back.
我只看过他在去年夏天南非的一场比赛, 他进了一个非常漂亮的球, 我认为就在那时, 弗爷决定把他带回曼联.

Colonial Red
To be perfectly honest I am not impressed by Fangzhou…I think he is a lightweight who will be eaten alive in the premiership. He reminds me too much of Park (and that is a bad thing as Park is always being knocked off the ball which is a poor characteristic for a striker). I think he will add depth until the summer but he is nothing more than a publicity/marketing tool to help break the Asian market in the abscense of Becks!
非常诚实地说, 我对Dong没什么好印象, 我认为他身体太单薄, 在英超比赛中容易吃亏. 这使我想起了Park(Park在比赛太容易被人放倒了, 何况Dong是前锋). 我只认为他只是添加了板凳深度. 他最多只是一个在我们没有Beckham时打开亚洲市场的商业工具.

john rawsthorn
the antwerp fans are also divided about him
some say he is a lazy git
and some say he is true class
i hope he takes his chance at united when he his playing with better players. he definetly has the talent but his attitude seems to be the main problem saf certainly seems to have faith in him as he persisted so long despite all the work permit problems to bring him here. lets hope he takes his chance
Antwerp的球迷对他有不同看法, 一些人认为他是个懒惰的家伙, 一些则说他是真正的球星. 我希望他能把握好在曼联与这么多优秀球员在一起的机会. 他确实有天分,但他对比赛的态度会是个主要问题.

Andy Lord
He was rated amongst the top 12 young players in the world at some awards ceremony last year wasn’t he ?
I’ve never seen him play live in a match but seen clips of his goals and he looks an assured finisher with something about him as a player. I have wanted to know quite a lot about his progress as he’s someone no one seems to talk about. I hope he carves out a United career if he’s as good as people say, SAF would undoubtedly help him on his way…good luck to the lad I say smile
他去年得到个世界12大新星的称号, 是吧? 我从来没看过他现场的比赛, 但看过一些进球录像. 看上去他是个不错的射手. 我非常想了解他的进步, 但在论坛很少人提起他. 我希望他在曼联找到他的路. 祝他好运!

Trust me, Dong is a great player, he’ll be a big help to the striking department!
相信我! Dong是个伟大的球员, 他能帮我们锋线的大忙!

Shane Wilmshurst
If this is true then it’s good news, it would beef up the striking department and give us a good look at Dong to fully assess his potential and whether he is capable of making it at United. Look forward to seeing him in January if he comes back
如果是真的话这真是个好消息, 他能大大增强我们锋线实力, 让我们看看他能不能在曼联体现出他的潜质, 看看他到底是不是只是个商业工具. 让我们期待他明年1月回来吧.

i only saw him once in a pre season match, can remember exactly but the kid has some potentials. We should wait n see how he fits himself in the team, if hes good i dont care if hes Asian, short, tall, big, small or not, as long as he performs.
A part of it is true tht Asian players r brought in as marketing tools, but if they r good, who cares? (Becks is also used as a marketing tool, but hes an Englishman) I mean, Celtic’s Nakamura is one good example. Our own Park is also good, only tht he got knocked down too easily sometimes.. but Ronaldo got knocked down too easily sometimes too..
在季前热身赛中我看过他一场比赛, 他的确有一些潜力. 我们应该等着看他怎样融入队中, 如果他优秀, 我才不在乎他是不是亚洲人, 矮还是高,胖还是瘦, 只要他表现好. 亚洲球员能带来商业利益是个不争的事实, 但是如果他优秀, 谁在乎? (Bekcham也是个商业工具, 但他还是个英格兰人呢), 我的意思是, Celtic的中村是个好例子. 我们自己的Park也是个好例子, 只是他在比赛中的确太容易被放倒, 但是, 我们的C.罗也容易被放倒 -_-.

antwerp 1880
I am , as an Antwerp fan, equally divided about Dong myself. Personally i don’t like players that don’t like to work on the pitch. Campbell for instance runs twice as much as Dong during a game, creating chances for himself as well as his fellow players.
Although in all honesty i must admit that he is improving dramatically the last couple of games he played. He is a very skillfull striker, he finds the way to the goal easily, and last game he scored twice : 0-5 win away at OHLeuven…
我是Antwerp的球迷, 我对DONG也有不同看法. 我个人也不喜欢球场上不努力的球员. 比如说, Campbell在一场比赛中跳动量比Dong要多两倍, 给自己和队友们创造更多机会.
虽然老实说, 我必须承认他在过去几场比赛中进步很大, 他是个技术出色的球员, 他能寻到轻松的进球方式, 上场比赛在我们客场5:0胜OHLeuven的比赛中他梅开二度.

ASC Old Trafford
Look i think he never will play Manchester First team.
He is good but not that good.
He is just a marketing product.
嗯, 我觉得他永远不会进一线队. 他是不错但远远不够, 他只是个商业工具.

s-oteryk poyles
we have lots of players who don’t deserve playing in a man utd 1st team but who can be a real help in case a few players get injured.
i trust saf’s judgement especially as we’re aiming for a treble this season, i think no additional player wil be unnecessary! plus we probably need a few more striking options (remember larsson will be here only 3 months ) so in the latter stages of the season, i think we’ll need all the players we can have.
people said park was a commercial buy, but he’s proven to be a good player in a red shirt! i personnally was a lil bit skeptical about evra (he had not been particularly good for monaco in the few months preceding his coming to old trafford) but he’s now one of our best men on the ground! … there are lots of these sorts of examples which make me wait to judge players after their arrival and not before!
dong is a lazy striker? so is ruud! – one of the deadliest strikers in europe!
i only saw him play in the few pre-season games in wich he featured, so i don’t know much about him; but i’m ready to give him the benefit of the doubt (if he actually ever comes).
他们有很多进不了一线队的队员, 但这些队员在一线队员受伤的时候有很大帮助. 我信任弗爷的判断能力. 我认为所有新回来的球员都有必要!再加上我们本来就需要锋线多些选择(记得Larsson只来三个月吧), 所以在联赛后期, 我们需要所有我们自己的球员.有人说Park是个商业买卖, 但他已经证明他是名优秀的曼联球员! 我个人当时也怀疑过Evra.(在他来曼联的前几个月, 他在Monaco的表现不是很好吧), 但他现在是我们场上表现最好的几人之一. 还有许多同样的例子, 我们得在他们来之后才能作出判断.
DONG是个懒惰的前锋? Van Ni也是! 欧洲最具威胁前锋之一!
我只看过Dong在季前的一些比赛, 所以我对他不是很了解, 但我会拭目以待的.

Martin M?lgaard
We need world class players in all parts of the pitch. We cannot use good, or very good players.
Thats how I feel, and thats why we are currently top of the table(s).
我们需要的是世界级球星! 我们不能和”好” “非常好”的球员, 这是我的想法, 同样也是我们现在联赛领先的原因.

Thomas Middlehurst
frist of all dong Fangzhou is 21, I think He has done very well In the For Royal Antwerp, he was top goal scorer last year with 17 goals but when he is allowed his work permit I belive united will send him on loan to a championship club theres no way he will be able to play in the prem from the belgian second devision the step up will be massive.
首先, Dong只有21岁, 我认为他在Antwerp表现非常好, 他上赛季进了17个球, 是最佳射手, 但在他等到英国劳工证后, 我相信曼联会把他租借到英冠球队, 好适应英格兰联赛.

Alistair Hay
Dong is highly rated by all the coaching and managerial staff he has worked with, but so far some United fans have seen him as a mere marketing tool. im really hoping Dong can make it here, SAF has waited a long time for him, so i’d like to see Dong take the premiership by storm to prove the minority of United fans who are critical of his uses to the club.
DONG被教练和他身边的人高度评价, 但目前为止, 他在部分曼联球迷看来仅仅是个商业工具. 我真诚希望DONG能在这里成功, 弗爷已经等他很久了, 所有我期待DONG在英超成功, 证明给少数批评他的人看!

以前我对董还是有很期望的, 但自从那句”Fxxk off”之后, 我觉得这人有严重RPWT, 而且中国海外球员一向有被国内媒体吹捧的”传统”, 所以我认为, 董在曼联不会成功, 但我同样希望我的”认为”是错的.附上一段董方卓12月2号在Antwerp的进球视频下载, 点击下载.


昨晚的比赛羸的很惊险, 但是如果Saha的单刀能进的话, 就容易多了, 连续3场比赛球员确实有点累了, 接下来的两周的International Break真是来的及时, 弗爷和球员们可以好好调整一下, 然后迎接对热刺和枪手的两场硬仗, 这两场实在太关键了!
3场比赛11个进球, 分部于7名队员, Saha Rooney Solskjaer Giggs Ronaldo Fletcher Silverstre, 该进球的都进了, 连不该进的也进了(kidding), 每条线球员的状态都不错, 我们不仅要调整, 也要保持, 不要在国家队太累了, “幸好”Rio昨晚受伤了, 希望他的伤刚好休息两周, 然后对热刺的时候复出. Rooney也要禁赛两场. 这次McClaren在曼联又招了好几个球员, Foster(被租到沃特福德), Brown, Ferdinand(受伤了), Richardson, Carrick, 这几个球员估计不会有太多上场时间, 因为Brown, Richardson肯定是替补, Carrick刚从伤病中恢复, 位置也会被Hargreaves取代.
对了, Hargreaves这周三又要来Old Trafford, 希望这次来了就不要回慕尼黑了!